Mother's Day in Shelby County Tennessee as Flood Waters Rise, Officials Evach Residents
TRT: 22:14 no music
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Produced by Dori Smith, I'm located in Connecticut but on the phone with Tennessee officials. If you want us to get info. out for you, write to Staysafeshelby NEW for May 7,2011
that is a PDF file, go to this page for more info or call:
Flood Information Hotline (901) 324-8799
Text requests to: (901) 290-7530
Media Information (901) 308-4360
Tennessee State of Emergency, Flood Water Continues to Rise, River Expected to Crest between Sunday, Mother's Day, May 8th and Tuesday, May 10th.
Emergency aid officials in Shelby County Tennessee will determine which shelters to open on Mothers Day, May 8th, as families are now packed and ready to go. Sunday will be a crucial day for those deciding whether or not to evacuate from the severe storms and flooding that has killed 23 people in Tennessee already.
SHELTER FOR SHELBY COUNTY, HERE There is also a shelter set up for pets.
The American Red Cross has opened a shelter at White Station Church of Christ in East Memphis at 1106 Colonial Road, there are also shelters in Obion, Lake, Dyer and Madison counties, as well as Tunica County in Mississippi. The Red Cross has also opened shelters in Crittenden County, Arkansas. To find out about shelters call your local officials or 211 to learn how.
For Talk Nation Radio I'm Dori Smith with a news update on the state of emergency in Tennessee where the Mississippi River is expected to crest at 48 feet. That's the highest level ever recorded, and so anyone living along the Mississippi and its tributaries are asked to leave. This is not a mandatory evacuation order according to Dean Lener af the Tennessee Emergency Management Agency, but state officials are urging people to check their areas of Memphis and find a designated shelter or move to higher ground. There is a web site you can go to, search tom leatherwood, Shelby County Registrar of Deeds, and if you type your address into that site you can find your sea level, that will let you know what your flood risk is.
If you are planning to leave but do not have transportation you can go to the web site staysafeshelby, or call the red cross or Tennessee Emergency Management Agency, TEMA, at (615) 741-0001
We were able to reach the public affairs officer for Shelby County on Mothers Day, May 8th, that’s Steve Shular, for more information on where there are now shelters in that section of Tennessee as the Mississippi River is expected to reach its crest on May 10th or sooner.
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