Talk Nation Radio interview with former Black Pan and Anarchist Activist Lorenzo Komboa Ervin calls out for help to evacuate as floodwater rises.
As of Monday morning May 2nd, both Lorenzo Kom’boa Ervin and Jonina Ervin safe at a community shelter. Thanks to all those who expressed concern and helped to get this story out.
UPDATES for transport, evacuation and shelter in Shelby County Tennessee, by FEMA: 1-901-515-2525, Desoto County, 1-901-476-0222. For Tunica County, Mississippi, 1-622-363-4012.
The Mississippi is going to record flood stage, it's going to 50 feet, some 25 feet above flood stage. Americans cry out for help as they don't know where to find help evacuating to shelter.
Shelby Co. residents advised to take flood precautions
Rain forces evacuations in Tennessee. "They don't seem to have it together here at all just like they didn't in New Orleans, so we're asking anyone who has the resources to help us get out of here." -- Mr. Ervin is in White Haven, "This area is on the border with Mississippi. We're only about a mile away from the Mississippi border, and its South West, so if you were the of South Haven or Corn Lake, any of those areas around there, you would be real close to where we are and would be in a position to help us out a great deal. --Ten miles from down town, but we couldn't make it there, that's where the flooding is coming from".
TRT: 12:47
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1:00 a.m. EDT May 1, 2011 Another New Orleans in Mississ as flood waters rise?
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Quote from interview: 'The Mississippi is going to 50 feet. Our area is predicted to be one of those areas that are going to be hit. So we are trying to get information from the county authorities who are not telling us anything. We can't get firm information about the danger that's involved here so that we can get out of harms way so we are trying to make some sort of an appeal to get out of this area.
We need transportation badly.Our car is only good enough for traveling around the city its not in that great a shape. We need someone to pick us up and get us out of here. We are in Memphis on the border with Mississippi, we need help, and we are asking people if you know people in the Memphis area or around here that are evacuating or are willing to evacuate us to please contact us. I can give our phone number, 901 907-0290, email is This storm is supposed to start in a few hours we are told. And we have no confidence in the local government, they don't seem to have it together here at all just like they didn't in New Orleans. And we are asking for help, so anyone who is already evacuating and who has the resources to help us get out of here, such as some of my political comrades in the anarchist movement, I'm very much appreciative of any help we can get. But we have to get out of here so I appreciate any help we can get'.
Copy: This is Dori Smith of Talk Nation Radio. We have received an urgent plea for help on our facebook page from residents of Tennessee in danger from raging flood waters.
The Tennessee Emergency Management Agency has released emergency procedures for residents of Tennessee who could be affected by flooding. Yet for most people in the South, there is no clear information as to how they can get help if they have no transportation. No word yet on shelters either, according to activist and former Black Panther Lorenzo Komboa Ervin.
Lorenzo Komboa Ervin is located in Tennessee, where he is now openly calling on the general public to help him. He says they are getting word that they should be considering evacuation but cannot get any information on any help that is available to them.
Again a growing number of residents of Tennessee are being told to consider evacuation. In Dyer County for example, Emergency Management Director James Medling said people west of the airstrip in Finley should consider evacuating the area. More warnings are expected through the night.
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