Gareth Porter Debunks NYT Claims of Iranian Missile Threat to Europe
TRT: 29:28
Produced by Dori Smith
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Gareth Porter joins us to talk about this story. He is author of the book, Perils of Dominance, Imbalance of Power and the Road to War in Vietnam, and writes for Inter Press Service on U.S. policy toward Iraq and Iran.
A few days after the Wikileaks documents appeared online the New York Times reported that they contained indications that Iran had fortified their missile capability with the help of North Korea. Their new missile could reach Europe, the NYT report indicated. But our guest, journalist and historian Gareth Porter, suspected it was yet another Judith Miller, aluminum tubes type story from the Times. His Russian sources were at the same meetings attended by those who spoke about the alleged threat in the leaked documents, and their take on this hypothetical discussion about an Iranian missile threat was very different.They refuted the U.S. claims to Gareth Porter.
See the story by William J. Broad, James Glanz, and David E. Sanger, 'Iran Fortifies Its Arsenal With the Aid of North Korea', 11/28/10, and compare it to Gareth Porter's story in Inter Press Service News, 'Russians Refuted U.S. Claim of Iranian Missile Threat to Europe' 11/30/10).
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