Thursday, July 29, 2010

Gareth Porter Triages MidEast News, to include plan for an Iran Attack?

Talk Nation Radio for July 29, 2010
Gareth Porter Triages MidEast News, to include plan for an Iran Attack?
Investigative historian and journalist Gareth Porter joins us as we discuss his recent stories in Inter Press Service News, and US intelligence strategies that could include an attack on Iran. Special interests in the US and Israel have been working to change public opinion to facilitate an attack on Iran despite intelligence that indicates that this is neither necessary nor wise.

--According to Gareth Porter, the controversial scientist claiming to have been kidnapped by the CIA, Shahram Amiri, was actually a 'walk in' to the CIA, a likely double agent, and he actually told the CIA that Iran has no nuclear bomb programme.

Yet, militant forces within the U.S. Military and Intelligence apparatus and Israel want the 2007 National Intelligence Estimate rewritten to show Iran as more of a threat.


Gareth Porter explains that Shahram Amiri, who returned to Iran via Pakistan, was here to be turned into the new 'Curveball,' an Ahmed Chalabi-like source who would have offered information about an Iranian WMD program. He didn't fit the bill.

Gareth Porter writes in his Inter Press story (July 19, 2010) that: ‘Contrary to a news media narrative that Iranian scientist Shahram Amiri has provided intelligence on covert Iranian nuclear weapons work, CIA sources familiar with the Amiri case say he told his CIA handlers that there is no such Iranian nuclear weapons programme, according to a former CIA officer'. IPS Story here.

'Philip Giraldi, a former CIA counterterrorism official, told IPS that his sources are CIA officials with direct knowledge of the entire Amiri operation’. Gareth Porter's July 19, 2010 story on Amiri here.

TRT: 29:00
Produced by Dori Smith in Storrs, Connecticut and Syndicated Nationally with Pacifica Network
Download at Pacifica's Audioport here and at and (More of our interview with Gareth Porter next week.)

Investigative historian and journalist Gareth Porter's articles appear regularly in Inter Press Service and other news outlets. He specializes in U.S. national security policy and is author of the book, "Perils of Dominance: Imbalance of Power and the Road to War in Vietnam".

Gareth Porter discusses several of his most recent stories in Inter Press News Service on US intelligence and military policy in the Middle East. He also lets Talk Nation Radio listeners know of his decision to write a new book about U.S. military strategies that rely on preconceived notions about Iran. The assumptions have been carefully cultivated by special interests, especially but not only AIPAC.

Gareth Porter also scrutinizes an April story by Joby Warrick and Greg Miller who claimed that Shahram Amiri had provided sensitive information about a long-hidden Iranian uranium-enrichment plant. Their source was actually the political arm of the MEK, Mujahideen-e-Khalq (MEK), classified by the US State Department as a terrorist organization. MEK has a stated aim of toppling the Iranian government. Interestingly, the US reconsidered their classification as a terrorist organization recently. Recently their status as a terrorist group was reconsidered.

Listen to Part 1 from last week by clicking below or go here for downloads.

July 27, 2010 to Talk Nation Radio during interview with Dori Smith:

'They did indeed apparently hope for the kind of revelations that 'Curveball', this former Iraqi official who claimed to have personal knowledge of Saddam’s mobile bio-weapons labs which of course turned out not to exist; They hoped for somebody like that who could provide, if not personally, then lead them to somebody who could provide that kind of personal testimony about Iranian covert nuclear weapons work. Instead of course what they got was somebody who said gee I don’t really have personal knowledge but the folks that I talk to who are nuclear scientists say no, there is nothing like that going on'.

'So obviously a bitter disappointment all around for the CIA and even more so and more importantly a bitter disappointment for those political forces who were putting pressure on the CIA to do exactly this, to come up with a ‘Curveball’, and then I’m talking here about you know not only the Israelis the European three, the UK, Germany and France who have lined up solidly with the Israeli position saying that yes we’re sure that Iran is hell bent to get nuclear weapons, and have bent their own intelligence reporting and analysis to conform to that conclusion to that sort of preconceived idea about the Iranian program, and I’m talking as well about officials and political figures in the United States who have been pushing for a revision of the National Intelligence Estimate ever since it came out in 2007, as well as the quality news media'.

'The Washington Post and the New York Times, particularly the New York Times being the worst offenders here, continuing to write stories that, month after month year after year, hammer away at the theme that its obvious that this 2007 NIE was wrong, that it was politicized, that it must have been that the CIA was trying to use the Intelligence Estimate to force the Bush administration not to carry out a military option against Iran and so forth'.

'All of these forces I think, have been working, not so much in a conspiratorial manner, not that there are secret meetings you know that sort of plot the next steps week by week month by month, but rather working from the same set of biases about the Iranian program which spring from the entire history of the western world, and particularly the American mistakes in its view of Iran and its nuclear program going back all the way to the beginning of the Islamic Republic of Iran.

There is a whole history there that really needs to be subject to a revision, which is by the way something that I’m hoping to do in a book that I’m starting to work on'.

We also asked Gareth Porter about the general importance of the office of Director of National Intelligence, an office held by Dennis C. Blair until recently. On Thursday July 29th, shortly after our interview with Gareth Porter, Retired Air Force lieutenant General and Defense Department intelligence chief James Clapper was confirmed as Blair’s replacement. Clapper famously asserted in 2003 that Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein had moved weapons to Syria. Iraq did not have WMD according to later reports.

We hear a clip of Clapper being questioned by Senator Levin during confirmation hearings as he discusses confusion about order of command issues, the fact that the DCI, Director of Central Intelligence, reports information to the National Intelligence Director.

Underwriting for this program was brought to you by, political analysis from outside the standard framework. Jeremy R. Hammond is founder and editor of and a recipient of the Project Censored 2010 Award for Outstanding Investigative Journalism for his work covering Israel's assault on Gaza and the U.S. role. He has been a guest on Talk Nation Radio to discuss the 2009 presidential election in Iran and its aftermath. (More from Hammond on Iran here.) RECENT stories at, include an analysis of the legality of Israel's naval blockade of Gaza and the attack on the Gaza Freedom Flotilla that left 9 Turkish peace activists dead.

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Thursday, July 22, 2010

Leaks, Pressure, and Storm Risks in the Gulf of Mexico, interview with Dr. Samantha Joye and q/a with National Incident Commander Admiral Thad Allen

Talk Nation Radio for July 21, 2010

UPDATE: Bonnie has been downgraded to a tropical storm but is making landfall on the eastern Gulf Coast as of 5 a.m. ET with maximum sustained winds of 35 mph as of.

Leaks, Pressure, and Storm Risks in the Gulf of Mexico, interview with Dr. Samantha Joye and q/a with National Incident Commander Admiral Thad Allen

UPDATE: There was an evacuation of all ships from region of blown BP oil rig in Gulf of Mexico as a possible cat 3 hurricane approached. The storm has been downgraded as it now moves into the Gulf.

AND: Second Federal Analysis Gives Further Clues about Location and Movement of Subsurface Oil

With a storm approaching, we hear from Admiral Thad Allen, and scientist Samantha Joye describes the dangers she is familiar with as we discuss the Deep Water Horizon spill and complications involving Methane and other gases.

Produced in Connecticut by Dori Smith and syndicated nationally with Pacifica Network
TRT: 29:00
Download at Pacifica's Audioport here or at and

With bad weather, a tropical depression storm approaching the Gulf of Mexico, the government and BP Joint Task Force called a press conference and Thad Allen, the National Incident Commander, took our questions. We asked him first what percentage of oil versus methane and other gas may be leaking from the well head, the cap or other leaks identified after the most recent test capping of the blown well. We also asked Thad Allen to describe all of the leaks identified since the capping test, and to talk about any new ones they have discovered. Scientists have been closely watching to determine if the cap is displacing pressure and causing leaks underground. If they can't observe the cap because of bad weather for up to four days, Allen said, they could decide to reopen the cap to avoid missing signs the well is buckling.

Unified Command for Deep Water BP Oil Spill, Transcript Press Brief with National Incident Commander Admiral Thad Allen July 21, 2010, (Operator: Your next question comes from the line of Dori Smith of Talk Nation).

Dori Smith: …to what the percentage of oil versus methane is in any of the leaks that have been identified, either on the cap area of the well or in any plumes nearby within the radius that you’ve been looking at, concerned, of course, about the pressure?

Thad Allen: We believe, especially around the current blowout preventer the capping stack that it is a mixture of the hydrocarbon column itself, which would be some mixture of oil, some natural gas, and some water. The existence of hydrates on the blowout preventer and the capping stack is indeed that there is gas there because the gas combined with the cold water and pressure is what produces hydrates. So there is some amount of methane gas in that.

The exact percentages, we have taken samples and they’re being analyzed ashore. Some samples done on scene based on the samples that were taken in around the wellhead indicated there was about 16 percent methane, but that needs to be validated by a shore test.

Dori Smith: And can you finally, on follow up, tell us is – has BP or has anyone identified new plumes or new leaks beyond what were already being studied in the vicinity?

Thad Allen: What we have asked BP to do is actually number these events so we can follow them. And I can take you through the general grouping of them. On the 17th of July, that was the event that we noted that was three kilometers southwest of the wellhead that we now have attributed to be in place before this started, probably attributable to another well.

Then we had a series of anomalies that were detected on the 18th of July. And these are just differences in density and return on both the seismic and the acoustic sensors. They were investigated with ROVs. They thought there might be some plumes. There were some gas bubbles brewing and they were followed up with ROVs. There were no other indications observed, and we closed out on those.

Following that, on the 19th is when we started to observe the bubbles around the current wellhead in the blowout preventer. Those have already been reported. And these are emanated from the wellhead itself through gaskets and seals that happen to be leaking.

And finally, we found another leak just yesterday in the BOP in the annular preventer. That’s the upper part of the BOP or the lower marine riser package. And that’s attributed to a leak in a gasket as well.

I think what you’re generally starting to see is from the blowout preventer—it’s been down there a long time under a lot of stress. And just like any other piece of equipment, we’re starting to see some small leaks around it. But that’s been it so far". ) From Joint Task force transcript..7/21/2010

Our interview with Dr. Samantha Joye was recorded July 9, 2010

It is roughly three months since the start of the worst oil disaster in US history and according to our guest, Dr. Samantha Joye, of the University of Georgia Marine Science Department, it is more accurate to call this a “hydrocarbon spill”. Dr. Joye explains why the high concentrations of methane gas leaking from the well head and from seeps near it have presented the core of the problem all along.

Dr. Samantha Joye and a team conducting research with funding from NOAH, have been providing regular updates on Gulf of Mexico water values. We asked Dr. Joye to discuss the rather unique problems at the drill site of the Deep Water Horizon rig explosion. She explained that the seabed where BP drilled is sand and gravel, not salt which would be the preferred platform material for an ocean drill site of this kind.

Dr. Samantha Joye of the University of Georgia became prominent in the headlines after establishing new problems in the Gulf of Mexico due to large plumes of oil and methane that posed a risk to oxygen levels in the water column. BP downplayed the results, but Joye has persisted in her research, and she points out that the type of scientific testing she has been doing takes time and multiple tests. She documents her research at Gulf Oil Blog and a documentary produced by the University of Georgia is airing this week through the Georgia Public Broadcasting network.

We established during previous shows that the rig would have produced a very large amount of oil had it been operational. The amount that BP saw as a ‘worst case scenario’ blow out leak amount would be 100,000 barrels per day. This is far more than average given that all 33 proposed wells to be drilled in the Gulf of Mexico would produce 80,000 to 100,000 barrels per day combined over a six-month period.

BP actually drilled into a vast Methane gas field at the Deep Water Horizon site, which could pose further risk. Pressure from the capped well could put too much pressure on weak points, a known fissure identified along the pipeline, and other locations at or near the BP rig. Dr. Joye explains in scientific terms what the dangers are, and shares the work of her team at the University of Georgia which has been studying life in the Gulf of Mexico and oxygen levels in the water column near the spill. They have been going to the region with test equipment to identify problems caused by plumes of oil and gas located at various sites near the Deep Water Horizon rig disaster.

She has also said the use of chemical dispersant presents another environmental problem, as they can be more toxic than the oil itself to some species.

British Petroluem capped the well experimentally prior to completion of the relief wells which are apparently nearly complete and may be ready this week end depending on rain storms bearing down on the Gulf of Mexico. BP plans a static kill, flooding the well head with mud and cement for this weekend, however, incident commander Thad Allen explained that weather conditions could prompt an evacuation of all ships from the region, which would mean loss of the visual from the leaking well head.

Her work in fact takes her to the ocean’s depths in the Gulf of Mexico, and initially, she explained, they predicted what would occur and then began scientific testing in the Gulf to establish the facts.

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Thursday, July 15, 2010

Mark Perry on the leaked Pentagon Red Team Report on Hamas and Hezbollah

Talk Nation Radio for July 15, 2010

Mark Perry on the leaked Pentagon Red Team Report on Hamas and Hezbollah, we asked him to examine Israel's reasons for refusing Turkey's offer to negotiate a way out of the crisis posed by the Gaza flotilla killings.

Produced by Dori Smith
TRT: 29:00
Download at Pacifica's Audioport here and at and

Mark Perry is a military and political analyst and author of eight books, including Partners In Command, George Marshall and Dwight Eisenhower, and Talking with Terrorists.

Journalist Mark Perry joins us to talk about a sensational five page Pentagon report from a so-called, "Red Team." The report written by senior intelligence officers at the US Central Command, CENTCOM. It suggests that marginalizing Hamas in Gaza, and Hezbollah in Lebanon, have worked against US interests in the Middle East. The report drafted May 7th describes a US Military view that runs contrary to Israeli policies of isolating Hamas in Gaza, and the officers suggested integration of Hamas and Hezbollah into their respective political mainstreams.

The Red Team report could mean that Israeli Government and Military officials will have a more difficult time arguing that humanitarian aid workers on board the Mavi Marmara were terrorists. Nine were shot and killed and fifty shot and wounded by Israeli commandos on May 31st.

An Israeli military investigation found mistakes made, but said the US of live rounds were justified. Israeli leaders first called the incident self defense, later claiming that the passengers were terrorists after a video showed them targeting and firing from above prior to landing on the Turkish aid vessel. The ship was one of eight vessels trying to bring aid into Gaza to break a blockade that left hundreds of thousands without a way to rebuild homes and government buildings after Israeli air strikes of 2009.

Israel's portrayal of the aid workers on the Mavi Marmara as terrorists appears to be based on the links some passengers had to the Hamas government in Gaza. If the Military does not classify them as terrorists, that could remove Israel's argument for militant policy including the blockade and occupation of Palestine.

Ret. U.S. Col. Ann Wright, who was a passenger on one of the other ships, told an audience in Hartford June 30th that a passenger on the top deck of the Mavi Marmara appears to have been shot before the Israeli commandos landed on the aid ship.

Portions of our interview with Mark Perry were also used in Sprouts, a Pacifica weekly, you can download it at You can also find audio of the talk given by Ret. Col. Ann Wright about the Mavi Marmara killings and the Gaza Freedom Movement at WHUS Radio, FM 91.7, online at

Israeli Deputy Foreign Minister Daniel Ayalon said the Turkish flotilla activists, “Had ties to agents of international terror, international Islam, Hamas, al Qaeda, and others”. Mark Perry's source said: “Putting Hizballah, Hamas, the Muslim Brotherhood and al Qaeda in the same sentence, as if they are all the same, is just stupid”. – “I don’t know any intelligence officer at CENTCOM who buys that.”

We will be providing more of this interview with Mark Perry asap.

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Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Gaza Flotilla - Not Terrorists: Ret. Col. Ann Wright, and Robert Parry on CENTCOM Report Critical of Israel

This week's Sprouts: Gaza Flotilla - Not Terrorists
Produced by: David Haseltine of WHUS and Dori Smith of Talk Nation Radio

WHUS Radio, Storrs, CT
Left KU Channel
Thursday, July 15, 2010 3PM EST
TRT: 29:00 for free download, use search work "Sprouts" - or go to Weekly Shows and choose sound file: "Sprouts: "Gaza Flotilla - Not Terrorists" Also available at

Direct Link: here

Music by: Roger Waters, We Shall Overcome, inspired by the Gaza Freedom Movement, we found it at

This week's stories:
This week on Sprouts we hear portions of a talk given by Ret. Col. Ann Wright at Real Art Ways, in Hartford, Connecticut. June 30, 2010. WHUS Radio sponsored the event.

Ret. Col. Wright recounted her experiences while on board one of eight vessels that made up the Gaza Freedom Flotilla boarded by Israeli commandos May 31, 2010. Nine people were killed, fifty shot, according to Wright. She talked about Israeli weapons fire that came before the commandos landed on the Mavi Marmara, stun grenades, and went over other evidence that is likely to be discussed under conditions of independent investigations.

Journalist Mark Perry talks about his story in Foreign Policy Magazine on 'The Red Team Report', on the Middle East. The report was critical of U.S. and Israeli policy that marginalizes Hamas and Hezbollah, and suggests they be mainstreamed. According to Mark Perry, a senior officer he spoke with was not impressed by comments like that of Israeli Deputy Foreign Minister Daniel Ayalon who charged that the Turkish flotilla activists, "had ties to agents of international terror, international Islam, Hamas, al Qaeda, and others".

Mark Perry's Pentagon source said: "Putting Hizballah, Hamas, the Muslim Brotherhood and al Qaeda in the same sentence, as if they are all the same, is just stupid". – "I don't know any intelligence officer at CENTCOM who buys that."

Sprouts is a weekly program that features local radio production and stories from many radio stations and local media groups around the world. It is produced in collaboration with community radio stations and independent producers across the country. The program is coordinated and distributed by Pacifica Radio and offered free of charge to all radio stations.

For information, or if you would like to feature your work on Sprouts, contact Ursula Ruedenberg at

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Thursday, July 8, 2010

Josh Ruebner on Israel's Declining International Reputation

Talk Nation Radio
Josh Ruebner on the Decline in Israel's International Standing

Suddenly Israel seems unable to control the debate. Josh Ruebner calls the recent behavior of Israeli leaders, "erratic". Is there a policy shift on the horizon?

TRT: 29:29
Produced by Dori Smith, Storrs, CT
Download at Pacifica's Audioport here or at and

Josh Ruebner, the National Advocacy Director for the US Campaign to End the Israeli Occupation joins us to look at US and Israel policy toward Palestine, a slight opening now in Washington DC after Israel decides to stand down from some of its restrictions of goods and building supplies into Gaza.

US Military Aid to Israel: "It's not just a distant conflict it's one that we're intimately involved with because we provide Israel with every conceivable weapon available that it uses to engage in it's illegal military occupation of the Palestinian territories and the kinds of horrific human rights abuses that were witnessed for example with the Gaza Freedom Flotilla. If you go to one of our web sites which is Aid to you'll see that our support for Israel in the form of Military aid comes at a price that we really cannot afford--30 billion dollars in weapons between 2009 and 2018 and if you go onto our web site you can look at your own town, congressional district or state and see how much that geographical unit is providing in tax dollars to Israel and what that money could fund instead in terms of unmet domestic needs that we need to take care of here at home such as affordable housing, green jobs retraining, health care, etc, so we could think of a lot better ways to put our tax dollars to than Israeli occupation and apartheid."

Josh Ruebner's group represents a national coalition of more than 250 organizations working together to change U.S. policy toward Israel and Palestine in recognition of the need for equality, an improvement in human rights and respect for international law.

It's been an interesting week in Washington thus far as Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu has been in meetings with President Obama, the Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglo has demanded an apology from Israel for the Gaza Freedom Flotilla killings. Israel's Foreign Minister, Avigdor Lieberman, said flat out, "no". Then, a surprising story by Mark Perry about behind the scenes discussions at CENTCOM about a possible opening to reevaluate the wisdom of isolating Hamas and Hezbollah. Perry's source at CENTCOM scoffing at Israel's portrayal of the Palestinian Security Forces as linked to al Qaeda.

Mark Perry reported June 30th that CENTCOM, the US Central Command, has been discussing the previously taboo subject of engaging diplomatically with militant groups like Hizballah in Lebanon and Hamas in Gaza. A "Red Team Report" according to Perry, was issued May 7th, just weeks before Israeli commando forces boarded the Mavi Marmara and other ships in the Flotilla trying to break the Israeli blockade of Gaza. The event in international waters has turned diplomacy on its head between Israel and Turkey. Stay tuned for our upcoming interview with Mark Perry.

CLIPS: Mark Regev, Israel's spokesperson, from BBC.
Hartford WHUS EVENT: Former US Military Col. Ann Wright spoke to an audience in Hartford, Connecticut about the Gaza Freedom Flotilla she was on that was attacked by Israeli Commandos. You can listen to the entire program online at Wright explained that there were many reporters on board the various flotilla ships, and on the Mavi Marmara, an Al Jazeera reporter reported seeing someone slump over on the top deck as if shot from the Israeli helicopter above prior to the landing on deck of Israeli commandos. She said fifty people were wounded by gunfire, another nine were killed, eight Turkish citizens and one American.

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Thursday, July 1, 2010

Marine Biologist, Dr. Craig McClain, A Tipping Point in Gulf of Mexico

Talk Nation radio for July 1, 2010
Marine Biologist, Dr. Craig McClain, A Tipping Point in Gulf of Mexico

We continue to look at the science and what hundreds of thousands, probably millions of barrels of oil flowing into the Gulf of Mexico is doing to the ecosystem.

The photo is from Deep Sea News blog. Stay tuned for upcoming interviews with: Dr. Ed Overton, LSU, taped 7/2/10, air date as soon as edit permits, Dr. Samantha Joye, University of Georgia, scheduled for next week. Contact us at

Produced by, Dori Smith
Download at Pacifica's Audioport here or at and at

Dr. Craig R. McClain at McClain Laboratories, is Assistant Director of Science at the National Evolutionary Synthesis Center, in Durham North Carolina. He has been researching the deep waters of the Gulf of Mexico and other locations for 11 years, studying the fascinating and often newly discovered life he finds there.

He blogs at Deep Sea News with fellow marine biologists Dr. Kevin Zelnio and Miriam Goldstein (PFD Goldstein soon to be Ph.D. Goldstein). McClain was raised in the Gulf Coast region and now works with his various scientific teams to study it. On their blog, McClain, Zelnio and Goldstein are working to help people understand the science of the BP disaster.

Photo by Times-Picayune, A. Boyd
We'll also hear from BP's spokesperson Mark Proegler who took our questions on the amounts of oil we're looking at, and the dangers we face from the Gulf Coast of Mexico region, Louisiana, Mississippi, Florida, and all along the Eastern seaboard if the oil gets into the Loop Current. Proegler said it was not in the loop current, yet The Examiner says it has already entered it, as did this, this, and concern expressed on this news site.

After saying BP had allocated a large amount of funding for scientific research, BP's spokesperson would not commit to the way it will be allocated, and whether or not scientists invited into the recovery effort will have to be associated with the government/private sector effort, or Joint Task Force. He said the company has not said they will refuse claims from states further up the East Coast in the event that the oil is carried there in the Loop Current.

The arrival of hurricane Alex shut down relief operations near the Deepwater Horizon rig and throughout the region, as oil is now hitting precious marshes and fisheries in Louisiana hard, and making its way into Lake Pontchartrain Basin at the Chandeleur Islands and the Mississippi River Delta.

Oil has already had devastating impacts in the western portions of the Louisiana coastline and has contaminated Florida's white sand beaches. amid the chaos about what is really happening to the wildlife in the region, and what it means to us, we asked Dr. McClain what concerns him most about BP's oil spill, and he explained that it is the as yet unknown short and long term consequences of the disaster.

Oceanographers are increasingly concerned about high concentrations of methane in plumes of oil rising from the area near the blown drilling rig in the Gulf, the mixture of oil rising from a plume of oil a short distance from the rig is 40 percent methane and 60 percent oil, according to Oceanographer John Kessler of Texas A&M, Dr. Samantha Joye holds weekly press conferences and uses her blog, to share data as it is recorded.

We have calls in to several other scientists and will provide their reactions to what BP has told us in upcoming broadcasts. Also, well known journalist Dahr Jamail is now reporting from the Gulf of Mexico, for his stories, the latest from Louisiana is titled, living on a dying delta. (Click here for

Blogs with scientific information about the BP oil disaster in the Gulf of Mexico: Gulf Oil Blog, Dr. Samantha Joye, University of Georgia.

Environmental Research Web blog here.

Dr. John Kessler, video here

Save Our Lake blog here BP Oil Spill
The Deepwater Horizon spill has impacted the Lake Pontchartrain Basin at the Chandeleur Islands and the Mississippi River Delta. It will continue to accrue further impacts of unknown extent. The Lake Pontchartrain Basin Foundation (LPBF) is entrusted by the public to protect and restore the habitats and water of the Pontchartrain Basin. We have performed this service for over 20 years by consistently applying basic science to monitor the health of the watershed.

hccreekkeeper | June 26, 2010 This was the most emotionally disturbing video I have ever done!
A flight over the BP Slick Source where I saw at least 100 Dolphins in the oil, some dying. I also photographed a Sperm Whale covered in oil all around it's blow hole.
Please spread this around the world. Send me any links to places it gets posted so I can follow. I want to piss off the world. Who will answer for these gentle creatures?

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