Monday, January 31, 2011
Thursday, January 20, 2011
Besok, 59 Produk Pangan Bebas Bea Masuk
JAKARTA, — Pemerintah akhirnya menetapkan 59 jenis produk bebas tarif bea masuk impor bahan pangan pokok dan bahan terkait pangan, Jumat (21/1/2011) besok, meski ditentang oleh para wakil kaum tani.
Pemerintah berdalih, pembebasan bea masuk impor itu sebagai upaya untuk menjaga stabilitas dan ketahanan pangan nasional. "Besok, sudah harus keluar Peraturan Menteri Keuangan-nya. Ada 59 pos tarif," ujar Menko Perekonomian Hatta Rajasa seusai rapat koordinasi di Kantor Menko Perekonomian, Jakarta, Kamis (20/1/2011) malam.
Menurut dia, 59 jenis produk bahan pangan tersebut, antara lain, beras, gandum, kedelai, bahan baku pangan pakan ternak, dan pupuk.
"Tekanan pangan sudah cukup tinggi, kalau kami berikan bea masuk, pasti akan berpengaruh kepada masyarakat dan harga naik. Maka, kami harus stabilkan harganya," ujar Hatta.
Namun, dari jenis produk tersebut, Hatta mengatakan, gula tidak termasuk karena Kementerian Perdagangan masih mampu untuk menjaga kestabilan harga gula.
Pada saat yang sama, pemerintah juga memastikan untuk menunda selama setahun pemberlakuan Peraturan Menteri Keuangan (PMK) No 241 Tahun 2010 tentang Penetapan Sistem Klasifikasi Barang dan Pembebanan Tarif dan Bea Masuk atas Barang Impor.
Menurut Hatta, penundaan pemberlakuan PMK karena pemerintah ingin menjaga inflasi, apalagi tekanan pangan saat ini sudah sangat tinggi. "Kondisi saat ini tidak lebih baik dari 2009 dari sisi pangan, kami memutuskan untuk menunda kembali. Setahun kami tunda," ujarnya.
Pemerintah melakukan beberapa langkah untuk mengamankan stok dan menstabilkan harga pangan pokok di dalam negeri yang belakangan terganggu karena perubahan iklim ekstrem telah menurunkan produksi bahan pangan.
Selain berencana membebaskan bea masuk bahan pangan pokok dan bahan terkait pangan seperti pakan ternak, pemerintah juga akan menerbitkan Peraturan Presiden untuk mengantisipasi dampak perubahan iklim terhadap produksi pangan.
Instruksi Presiden tentang perberasan juga akan diterbitkan supaya Perum Badan Urusan Logistik (Bulog) bisa lebih fleksibel melakukan pembelian beras dan gabah dari petani untuk menjaga stok beras nasional.
Beast's Beauty Of The Week
The Beast is back, with a new weekly feature that spotlights ladies who have done some kind of work in the genre. This week's feature is bittersweet, however, because we recently lost this screen siren. The lovely and talented Ingrid Pitt passed away on November 23rd , 2010, at the age of 73.
Ingrid was from Poland, and survived the Nazi camps and managed to escape the Communist police. She went on to become an actress and appear in some pictures in Spain, and eventually went on to star in horror films at the famous Hammer Studios. Films such as The Vampire Lovers and Countess Dracula gained her a following that continues today. Ingrid also appeared in Where Eagles Dare with Richard Burton and Clint Eastwood, as well as the horror classic The Wicker Man with Christopher Lee. By all accounts Ingrid was a class the extras on the Anchor Bay version of The Wicker Man people involved with the film told about another actress behaving like a prima donna while shooting in the brisk Scottish locations, demanding a coat and coffee and such. When someone asked Ingrid if she wanted a coat, she gestured to all the extras and said to the effect, "If they all don't need coats, then I certainly don't need one either!" Even though she was a star, she was a team player.
Ingrid went on to write several books, including her autobiography Life's a Scream. She was still active on the convention scene as well. Ingrid possessed a charm, beauty, and class that few actresses have. She was a wonderful part of horror history, and will be missed. RIP.

Still lovely...

Ahmadinejad Ingatkan Barat
YAZD, — Presiden Iran Mahmoud Ahmadinejad mengatakan bahwa campur tangan asing hanya akan membuat masalah di Lebanon dan Tunisia lebih rumit. "Campur tangan negara lain atas masalah di Lebanon dan Tunisia malah menambah rumit keadaan dan penting bagi kedua negara serta masing-masing pemimpinnya mengatasi sendiri masalah mereka," kata Ahmadinejad pada acara di Provinsi Yazd, Rabu (19/1/2011).
Ia mengatakan, "Warga Lebanon harus menyadari bahwa mereka sedang menjalani tahapan penting dan ada negara yang berusaha melemahkan kesatuan mereka."
Pada Rabu, 11 menteri meninggalkan kabinet di Lebanon saat ketegangan meningkat dengan penyelidikan Perserikatan Bangsa-Bangsa atas pembunuhan mantan Perdana Menteri Rafiq Hariri pada 2005, menjatuhkan pemerintah Perdana Menteri Saad Hariri yang didukung Amerika Serikat.
Dalam pernyataan yang ditujukan kepada Amerika Serikat dan Israel, yang disebut sebagai rezim Zionis itu, Ahmadinejad mengatakan, Lebanon mampu menyelesaikan masalah mereka. "Bila Anda tidak menghentikan tindakan jahat itu, Lebanon dan negara di kawasan akan memutuskan tangan kotor Anda," ujarnya.
"Jangan membuat catatan Anda lebih gelap oleh campur tangan tidak perlu," kata Ahmadinejad.
Saat menanggapi perkembangan terakhir di Tunisia, Ahmadinejad juga memperingatkan pihak asing agar tidak mencampuri masalah dalam negeri negara tersebut.
Setelah beberapa pekan unjuk rasa karena pengangguran dan harga barang tinggi, Presiden Tunisia Zine El Abidine Ben Ali lari ke Jeddah, Arab Saudi, pada Jumat (14/1/2011). "Pihak lain tidak memiliki hak mencampurinya karena Tunisia adalah negara matang secara intelektual dan dapat membuat keputusan untuk diri mereka," katanya.
Dalam sambutannya, ia juga menyebut kerja sama dengan Iran adalah kepentingan terbaik untuk negara Barat. "Pada saat ini Iran menjadi negara nuklir dan dari sudut pandang Iran masalah nuklir sudah selesai," katanya. "Bekerja samalah dengan Iran di bidang nuklir karena kerja sama tersebut akan menguntungkan Anda," kata Ahmadinejad kepada Barat.
Ia juga mengatakan, "Kami menyambut kerja sama dari Anda berdasarkan keadilan. Namun, waspadalah karena Iran tidak akan mundur satu inci pun dari haknya."
Monday, January 17, 2011
Jordan Flaherty, on Community Organizers Making a Difference in New Orleans
Talk Nation Radio for January 13, 2011
Jordan Flaherty, on Community Organizers Making a Difference in New Orleans
An interview with the author of the book, Floodlines, Community and Resistance from Katrina to the Jena Six
TRT: 29:25
Produced by Dori Smith
Download at Pacifica’s Audioport here or at and
Music: by Fritz Heede
We’re joined by writer and activist Jordan Flaherty, for a discussion about his book, Floodlines, Community and Resistance from Katrina to the Jena Six. His award winning reporting from the Gulf Coast has appeared in many publications including the New York Times, Mother Jones, and Argentina’s Clarin Newspaper, and he has produced segments for Democracy Now, Al Jazeera, and TeleSur. Published in 2010 by Haymarket Books, Floodlines is about what New Orleans was before Katrina, and what it has become since. It is partly a diary of the storm and partly an offering of stories about individual activists and groups that are still working on behalf of communities at risk.
On page 185 Jordan Flaherty writes about Brad Pitt, a famous actor whose work has actually been making a big difference in the rebuilding of the 9th Ward. That is more the exception than the rule for the high profile individuals and organizations that showed up to help after Katrina. The rich and famous arrived and so did major corporate backing. Work was rerouted away from the communities that had been doing it and handed to new workers, not in the unions. The major aid dollars gravitated toward the less needy rather than the most needy, and relief organizations like the Red Cross took the lead in describing events in post Katrina New Orleans, while many of the most effective organizations failed to receive media coverage or funds.
In Floodlines, Flaherty describes the work of the a wide variety of activists as he gets to the core of what makes New Orleans special, a unique history and diversity that had facilitated a neighbor helps neighbor approach. Sadly, the most needy victims of Hurricane Katrina in New Orleans have yet to receive the kind of aid that donors thought they would. African American home owners have been receiving less compensation for the same type of residences than white home owners. It's all part of a long standing condition of racism, and the impact of Katrina has been to set people back in terms of their age old challenges for equal rights. Five years after Katrina, writes Jordan Flaherty, about one in four residential addresses remained vacant.
The political landscape was also changed dramatically after Katrina, according to Jordan Flaherty. It is more white, more conservative, and less oriented around the community activists who worked hard to increase representation in areas like education, housing, jobs, and other types of resources. Less wealthy or well connected community organizations, unions, and social networks, have in many cases failed to qualify for the funding that should have been theirs.
We discuss some of the common themes for victims of Katrina, the earthquake in Haiti, and the BP oil disaster. The hardest hit survivors, the very people that donors wanted to help with their gifts, are still waiting for aid. In many cases they have not been able to return to New Orleans. At least 100,000 remain internally displaced after the storm.
From the Floodlines web page– Jordan Flaherty is a journalist and community organizer based in New Orleans. He was the first journalist with a national audience to write about the Jena Six case, and played an important role in bringing the story to worldwide attention. His post-Katrina writing in ColorLines Magazine shared a journalism award from New America Media for best Katrina-related coverage in the Ethnic press, his reporting has been featured in the New York Times, and audiences around the world have seen the news segments he’s produced for Al-Jazeera, TeleSur, GritTV, and Democracy Now.
Jordan has appeared as a guest on a wide range of television and radio shows, including CNN Morning, Anderson Cooper 360, CNN Headline News, Grit TV,and both local and nationally-syndicated shows on National Public Radio. He has been a regular correspondent or frequent guest on Democracy Now, Radio Nation on Air America, News and Notes, and many other outlets. As a white southerner who speaks honestly about race, Jordan Flaherty has been regularly published in Black progressive forums such as and Black Agenda Report, and is a regular guest on Black radio stations and programs such as Keep Hope Alive With Reverend Jesse Jackson.
Jordan is an editor of Left Turn Magazine, a national publication dedicated to covering social movements. He has written about politics and culture for the Village Voice, New York Press, Labor Notes, Radical Society, and in several anthologies, including the South End Press books Live From Palestine and What Lies Beneath: Katrina, Race and the State of the Nation, the University of Georgia Press book What is a City, and the AK Press book Red State Rebels. more here
The playwrite Eve Ensler called Floodlines the most important one she had read about Katrina, saying quote, “In the tradition of Howard Zinn, this could be called A People’s History of the Storm”.
Naomi Klein says of Floodlines, "These remarkable stories of injustice and resistance must be heard."
Jordan Flaherty, on Community Organizers Making a Difference in New Orleans

TRT: 29:25
Produced by Dori Smith
Download at Pacifica’s Audioport here or at and
Music: by Fritz Heede
We’re joined by writer and activist Jordan Flaherty, for a discussion about his book, Floodlines, Community and Resistance from Katrina to the Jena Six. His award winning reporting from the Gulf Coast has appeared in many publications including the New York Times, Mother Jones, and Argentina’s Clarin Newspaper, and he has produced segments for Democracy Now, Al Jazeera, and TeleSur. Published in 2010 by Haymarket Books, Floodlines is about what New Orleans was before Katrina, and what it has become since. It is partly a diary of the storm and partly an offering of stories about individual activists and groups that are still working on behalf of communities at risk.
On page 185 Jordan Flaherty writes about Brad Pitt, a famous actor whose work has actually been making a big difference in the rebuilding of the 9th Ward. That is more the exception than the rule for the high profile individuals and organizations that showed up to help after Katrina. The rich and famous arrived and so did major corporate backing. Work was rerouted away from the communities that had been doing it and handed to new workers, not in the unions. The major aid dollars gravitated toward the less needy rather than the most needy, and relief organizations like the Red Cross took the lead in describing events in post Katrina New Orleans, while many of the most effective organizations failed to receive media coverage or funds.
In Floodlines, Flaherty describes the work of the a wide variety of activists as he gets to the core of what makes New Orleans special, a unique history and diversity that had facilitated a neighbor helps neighbor approach. Sadly, the most needy victims of Hurricane Katrina in New Orleans have yet to receive the kind of aid that donors thought they would. African American home owners have been receiving less compensation for the same type of residences than white home owners. It's all part of a long standing condition of racism, and the impact of Katrina has been to set people back in terms of their age old challenges for equal rights. Five years after Katrina, writes Jordan Flaherty, about one in four residential addresses remained vacant.
The political landscape was also changed dramatically after Katrina, according to Jordan Flaherty. It is more white, more conservative, and less oriented around the community activists who worked hard to increase representation in areas like education, housing, jobs, and other types of resources. Less wealthy or well connected community organizations, unions, and social networks, have in many cases failed to qualify for the funding that should have been theirs.
We discuss some of the common themes for victims of Katrina, the earthquake in Haiti, and the BP oil disaster. The hardest hit survivors, the very people that donors wanted to help with their gifts, are still waiting for aid. In many cases they have not been able to return to New Orleans. At least 100,000 remain internally displaced after the storm.

Jordan has appeared as a guest on a wide range of television and radio shows, including CNN Morning, Anderson Cooper 360, CNN Headline News, Grit TV,and both local and nationally-syndicated shows on National Public Radio. He has been a regular correspondent or frequent guest on Democracy Now, Radio Nation on Air America, News and Notes, and many other outlets. As a white southerner who speaks honestly about race, Jordan Flaherty has been regularly published in Black progressive forums such as and Black Agenda Report, and is a regular guest on Black radio stations and programs such as Keep Hope Alive With Reverend Jesse Jackson.
Jordan is an editor of Left Turn Magazine, a national publication dedicated to covering social movements. He has written about politics and culture for the Village Voice, New York Press, Labor Notes, Radical Society, and in several anthologies, including the South End Press books Live From Palestine and What Lies Beneath: Katrina, Race and the State of the Nation, the University of Georgia Press book What is a City, and the AK Press book Red State Rebels. more here
The playwrite Eve Ensler called Floodlines the most important one she had read about Katrina, saying quote, “In the tradition of Howard Zinn, this could be called A People’s History of the Storm”.
Naomi Klein says of Floodlines, "These remarkable stories of injustice and resistance must be heard."
Saturday, January 15, 2011
SIDOARJO, - Presiden Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono mengajak masyarakat melakukan upaya ketahanan pangan keluarga melalui rumah hijau atau rumah pekarangan pangan.
"Ketahanan pangan keluarga juga ditingkatkan...melalui rumah hijau atau mungkin tepatnya rumah pekarangan pangan," kata Presiden Yudhoyono saat menghadiri pencanangan Gerakan Nasional Penanganan Anomali Iklim Petani Indonesia di Sidoarjo, Jawa Timur, Jumat (14/1/2011).
Presiden mengaku di kediaman pribadinya di Cikeas ia juga menanam sejumlah tanaman pangan antara lain cabai, tomat, dan sejumlah sayur mayur.
Ia menjelaskan bahwa dengan menanam sejumlah bahan pangan sendiri maka dapat membantu kebutuhan keluarga di saat kondisi pangan tidak menentu.
Presiden juga mengatakan bahwa untuk mewujudkan rumah pekarangan pangan atau rumah hijau tidak diperlukan lahan luas.
Tanaman tersebut, kata Presiden, dapat ditanam dalam pot. Ia bahkan juga mengatakan jika beternak lele pun dapat dilakukan di lahan yang tidak terlalu luas.
Gerakan Nasional Penanganan Anomali Iklim itu menganjurkan agar anomali iklim yang tidak dapat dihindari jangan ditakuti namun diwaspadai dan siap siaga sehingga ketahanan pangan dapat dipertahankan atau bahkan ditingkatkan.
Para petani dapat mengatasi dampak anomali iklim dengan empat cara yaitu membuat pola tanam padi-palawija-palawija, memanfaatkan embung air dengan pompanisasi, teknik budidaya melalui perendaman bibit dan memberikan bahan asam humus dengan bahan organik tinggi pada tanah.
Presiden Yudhoyono pada kesempatan itu didampingi oleh antara lain Ibu Ani Yudhoyono, Menteri Pertanian Suswono, Menteri Kelautan dan Perikanan Fadel Muhammad, Menteri BUMN Mustafa Abubakar dan juru bicara presiden Julian A Pasha.
Selain berdialog dengan para petani dan nelayan di Sidoarjo, Presiden juga melakukan telewicara dengan para petani dan pemerintah daerah Kalimantan Timur, Sulawesi Selatan dan Sumatra Utara.
"Ketahanan pangan keluarga juga ditingkatkan...melalui rumah hijau atau mungkin tepatnya rumah pekarangan pangan," kata Presiden Yudhoyono saat menghadiri pencanangan Gerakan Nasional Penanganan Anomali Iklim Petani Indonesia di Sidoarjo, Jawa Timur, Jumat (14/1/2011).
Presiden mengaku di kediaman pribadinya di Cikeas ia juga menanam sejumlah tanaman pangan antara lain cabai, tomat, dan sejumlah sayur mayur.
Ia menjelaskan bahwa dengan menanam sejumlah bahan pangan sendiri maka dapat membantu kebutuhan keluarga di saat kondisi pangan tidak menentu.
Presiden juga mengatakan bahwa untuk mewujudkan rumah pekarangan pangan atau rumah hijau tidak diperlukan lahan luas.
Tanaman tersebut, kata Presiden, dapat ditanam dalam pot. Ia bahkan juga mengatakan jika beternak lele pun dapat dilakukan di lahan yang tidak terlalu luas.
Gerakan Nasional Penanganan Anomali Iklim itu menganjurkan agar anomali iklim yang tidak dapat dihindari jangan ditakuti namun diwaspadai dan siap siaga sehingga ketahanan pangan dapat dipertahankan atau bahkan ditingkatkan.
Para petani dapat mengatasi dampak anomali iklim dengan empat cara yaitu membuat pola tanam padi-palawija-palawija, memanfaatkan embung air dengan pompanisasi, teknik budidaya melalui perendaman bibit dan memberikan bahan asam humus dengan bahan organik tinggi pada tanah.
Presiden Yudhoyono pada kesempatan itu didampingi oleh antara lain Ibu Ani Yudhoyono, Menteri Pertanian Suswono, Menteri Kelautan dan Perikanan Fadel Muhammad, Menteri BUMN Mustafa Abubakar dan juru bicara presiden Julian A Pasha.
Selain berdialog dengan para petani dan nelayan di Sidoarjo, Presiden juga melakukan telewicara dengan para petani dan pemerintah daerah Kalimantan Timur, Sulawesi Selatan dan Sumatra Utara.
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JAKARTA, — Pemerintah akan membebaskan bea masuk (BM) impor komoditas pangan pokok yang dinilai memberi dampak terhadap kenaikan harga.
Hal itu dinyatakan oleh Menteri Koordinator Perekonomian Hatta Rajasa seusai memimpin Retreat Pangan yang diikuti oleh sejumlah menteri terkait di Kantor Kementerian Pertanian, Jumat (7/1/2011).
"Semua bea masuk pangan pokok nantinya nol persen untuk kepentingan stabilisasi pangan pokok," kata Menko yang didampingi oleh Menteri Pertanian Suswono, Dirut Perum Bulog Sutarto Ali Moeso, dan Kepala Badan Pusat Statistik Rusman Heriawan.
Dalam Retreat yang berlangsung sekitar empat jam tersebut tampak hadir juga beberapa menteri, seperti Menteri Kelautan dan Perikanan Fadel Muhammad, Menteri Perdagangan Mari Pangestu, Wakil Menteri Perindustrian Alex Retraubun, dan Deputi Kementerian Perencanaan Pembangunan Nasional.
Menyinggung jenis bahan pangan pokok yang akan mendapatkan pembebasan bea masuk Hatta menyebutkan antara lain beras, terigu, kedelai, dan pakan ternak, sedangkan gula tidak masuk di dalamnya. "Untuk terigu karena sudah menjadi bahan pangan pokok kedua setelah beras, sedangkan kedelai merupakan bahan baku industri tempe dan tahu," katanya, menanggapi alasan pemberian BM nol persen terhadap komoditas tersebut.
Sementara pakan pakan ternak, lanjutnya, karena berdampak pada usaha peternakan baik sapi maupun unggas serta perikanan.
Tentang alasan gula tidak masuk dalam pembebasan BM impor, menurut Menko, hal itu dimaksudkan untuk merangsang petani dalam negeri meningkatkan produksi tebu.
Hatta mengatakan, pada Senin pekan depan diharapkan semua komoditas pangan pokok yang akan diusulkan dalam pembebasan BM tersebut sudah masuk dari menteri terkait. "Kemudian pada Rabu akan ada pembahasan dan diharapkan pekan depan sudah efektif," katanya.
Hal itu dinyatakan oleh Menteri Koordinator Perekonomian Hatta Rajasa seusai memimpin Retreat Pangan yang diikuti oleh sejumlah menteri terkait di Kantor Kementerian Pertanian, Jumat (7/1/2011).
"Semua bea masuk pangan pokok nantinya nol persen untuk kepentingan stabilisasi pangan pokok," kata Menko yang didampingi oleh Menteri Pertanian Suswono, Dirut Perum Bulog Sutarto Ali Moeso, dan Kepala Badan Pusat Statistik Rusman Heriawan.
Dalam Retreat yang berlangsung sekitar empat jam tersebut tampak hadir juga beberapa menteri, seperti Menteri Kelautan dan Perikanan Fadel Muhammad, Menteri Perdagangan Mari Pangestu, Wakil Menteri Perindustrian Alex Retraubun, dan Deputi Kementerian Perencanaan Pembangunan Nasional.
Menyinggung jenis bahan pangan pokok yang akan mendapatkan pembebasan bea masuk Hatta menyebutkan antara lain beras, terigu, kedelai, dan pakan ternak, sedangkan gula tidak masuk di dalamnya. "Untuk terigu karena sudah menjadi bahan pangan pokok kedua setelah beras, sedangkan kedelai merupakan bahan baku industri tempe dan tahu," katanya, menanggapi alasan pemberian BM nol persen terhadap komoditas tersebut.
Sementara pakan pakan ternak, lanjutnya, karena berdampak pada usaha peternakan baik sapi maupun unggas serta perikanan.
Tentang alasan gula tidak masuk dalam pembebasan BM impor, menurut Menko, hal itu dimaksudkan untuk merangsang petani dalam negeri meningkatkan produksi tebu.
Hatta mengatakan, pada Senin pekan depan diharapkan semua komoditas pangan pokok yang akan diusulkan dalam pembebasan BM tersebut sudah masuk dari menteri terkait. "Kemudian pada Rabu akan ada pembahasan dan diharapkan pekan depan sudah efektif," katanya.
Tuesday, January 11, 2011 |
SURABAYA, — Jawa Timur bakal menjadi daerah pertama yang memanfaatkan energi terbarukan jenis pembangkit tenaga angin (wind power) di Indonesia. Pasalnya, di Jembatan Suramadu bakal dibangun pembangkit tenaga angin untuk penerangan jalan sepanjang 5,4 kilometer.
Kepala Bidang Ketenagalistrikan Asosiasi Kontraktor Ketenagalistrikan Indonesia atau Aklindo Jatim Nelson Sembiring mengatakan, banyak hal yang mendasari pihaknya menggandeng Badan Pelaksana Pengembangan Wilayah Suramadu (BPWS) selaku pengelola Jembatan Suramadu untuk mengembangkan wind power.
“Kami mendukung upaya pemerintah mengembangkan energi terbarukan, selain untuk memanfaatkan tingginya arus angin di kawasan Suramadu dan membantu penerangan di jembatan terpanjang dan sekitarnya,” kata Nelson di Surabaya, Selasa (11/1/2011).
Menurut dia, selama ini penerangan di Suramadu sangat minim akibat tingginya beban biaya yang harus ditanggung ke PLN. Akibatnya, kawasan di sekitarnya hingga Bangkalan cenderung gelap pada malam hari.
Ia bersyukur, BPWS telah mengeluarkan izin pengembangan wind power dan pembangkit tenaga surya, yang nantinya untuk investor, akan ditenderkan, sekaligus siap menggantikan listrik PLN. “Sebagai bukti keseriusan, mulai bulan depan kami melakukan studi terkait kecepatan angin di Jembatan Suramadu. Prinsipnya, jika kecepatan mencapai 3 meter per detik bisa digunakan membangkitkan listrik tenaga angin,” papar Nelson.
Dengan kekuatan itu, ia menyebut rata-rata setiap titik lampu/tiang membutuhkan daya 500 watt. Sebanyak 300 watt dari energi angin, sementara 200 watt energi surya. Menurut Nelson, studi itu memakan waktu sekitar dua bulan dan diperkirakan April mendatang diharapkan sudah ada rencana matang untuk proyek ini.
Dalam waktu dekat, pihaknya juga akan studi banding ke China untuk menyeleksi peralatan wind power dan energi surya, selain melihat potensi hybrid. “Nanti apakah akan dipasang satu kincir angin besar atau beberapa unit, tergantung studi. Yang jelas menggunakan teknologi tekan dan geser, yang bisa diubah sesuai arah angin,” ujar Nelson.
Ketua Aklindo Jatim Sutan Kasidal menambahkan, untuk pengembangan wind power di Jembatan Suramadu, Aklindo menyiapkan dana tidak sedikit. “Dengan asumsi anggaran setiap tiang sekitar Rp 50 juta, jika jarak antartiang lampu 25 meter, dibutuhkan sekitar 110 tiang sehingga investasi yang dibutuhkan sekitar Rp 5,5 miliar,” ungkap Sutan.
Wakil Ketua Kadin Jatim Adri Istambul Lingga Gayo menegaskan, potensi sektor industri dan lembaga lain mengembangkan energi terbarukan masih terbuka. “Ini menjadi sinergi antara lembaga dan pihak swasta dengan industri bahkan pemda,” kata Adri.
Thursday, January 6, 2011
US in Pakistan, Muhammad Idrees Ahmad reports: US Could Enter Pakistan as Power Vacuum there Grows
Talk Nation Radio for January 6, 2011
US in Pakistan, Muhammad Idrees Ahmad reports
US Troops Could Enter Pakistan as Power Vacuum there Grows
The Obama administration’s policy of increasing its use of military force to try to pressure the Taliban into bending to America’s will is failing, according to Muhammad Idrees Ahmad. Still the surge in Afghanistan seems to include sending US forces across the border. What are the ramifications of widening the already costly Afghan War? What are the U.S. drone attacks actually accomplishing? (Photo by Guardian)
Produced by Dori Smith in Storrs, CT
TRT: 29:26
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Muhammad Idrees Ahmad provides important insights about the Pakistani people as the political parties divide and confidence in the government is at an all time low. The parties are losing members and Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani could be forced to face a new election, according to the BBC. We discuss the assassination of the Punjab Governor in context with concerns about the climate of violence. (See Pulse for an interesting overview on the murder of Salmaan Taseer, including a videotaped interview with Rahimullah Yusufzai, editor of The News Magazine.) What have the Pakistani liberal versus conservative politicians been saying? Who do Pakistani's blame? What is the level of support for anti-U.S. factions? These and other questions are assessed by Muhammad Idrees Ahmad who is from the Northwest section of Pakistan.
Muhammad Idrees Ahmad is a scholar in the Department of Geography and Sociology at the University of Strathclyde and co-editor of Pulse Media. He is also a member of Spinwatch and writes about international media, foreign and military policy, and his native Pakistan.(
Our previous interview with Idrees Ahmad here is on U.S. drone attacks.
CBS News Report, Pakistan Drone attack victim plans to sue the CIA here. The Guardian report on the same story here.
US in Pakistan, Muhammad Idrees Ahmad reports

The Obama administration’s policy of increasing its use of military force to try to pressure the Taliban into bending to America’s will is failing, according to Muhammad Idrees Ahmad. Still the surge in Afghanistan seems to include sending US forces across the border. What are the ramifications of widening the already costly Afghan War? What are the U.S. drone attacks actually accomplishing? (Photo by Guardian)
Produced by Dori Smith in Storrs, CT
TRT: 29:26
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Muhammad Idrees Ahmad provides important insights about the Pakistani people as the political parties divide and confidence in the government is at an all time low. The parties are losing members and Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani could be forced to face a new election, according to the BBC. We discuss the assassination of the Punjab Governor in context with concerns about the climate of violence. (See Pulse for an interesting overview on the murder of Salmaan Taseer, including a videotaped interview with Rahimullah Yusufzai, editor of The News Magazine.) What have the Pakistani liberal versus conservative politicians been saying? Who do Pakistani's blame? What is the level of support for anti-U.S. factions? These and other questions are assessed by Muhammad Idrees Ahmad who is from the Northwest section of Pakistan.
Muhammad Idrees Ahmad is a scholar in the Department of Geography and Sociology at the University of Strathclyde and co-editor of Pulse Media. He is also a member of Spinwatch and writes about international media, foreign and military policy, and his native Pakistan.(
Our previous interview with Idrees Ahmad here is on U.S. drone attacks.
CBS News Report, Pakistan Drone attack victim plans to sue the CIA here. The Guardian report on the same story here.
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