Talk Nation Radio for November 25, 2010 No Holiday for Soldiers with PTSD US Soldier Jeff Hanks with More on PTSD and War Update on Hanks Case plus Analysis of US in Middle East through another Holiday Season for 2010
Comments from Sarah Lazare in this report, see here, here
Produced by Dori Smith TRT: 28:06 (note time difference this week as an exception to our usual 29+ time) Download at Pacifica's Audioport here Or at and
We hear the second part of our interview with 1st Infantryman Jeff Hanks who went AWOL to avoid redeployment to Afghanistan. Hanks had a panic attack at the airport when he was about to ship out for the Middle East again... he went AWOL to try to get mental health treatment. Hanks turned himself in shortly after our interview, and his efforts to get care have been mixed.
We also hear more from David Lindorff about a seldom discussed aspect of the MidEast wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, the fact that another nuclear arms race has been catalyzed. With all the talk about global security after 9/11, we review the aftermath of Bush/Cheney wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Volatile markets, challenges to the Obama administration's hard won health care policy, and new concerns about social security. Journalist and author David Lindorff joins us to take the national pulse on these and other issues. We'll look at America's economic health, and consider what if any good or bad change may be coming during the second half of the Obama administration.
David Lindorff is author of Killing Time, an investigation into the case against Mumia Abu-Jamal, the more recent, This Can't be Happening, Resisting the Disintegration of American Democracy, and The Case for Impeachment, about former President George W. Bush. His book about the nation's health care system is titled, Marketplace Medicine, The Rise of the For-Profit Hospital Chains.
Talk Nation radio for November 10, 2010 AWOL over PTSD, Jeff Hanks is Helped by IVAW's Operation Recovery 1st Infantryman Jeff Hanks, Reporter Sarah Lazare
Jeff Hanks is AWOL and the group Iraq Veterans Against the War is supporting him as part of a new campaign called Operation Recovery. is the web site, they are asking the Military and the White House to stop deploying soldiers that have been wounded and pushed beyond the limits of humanity and end Afghan War. A U.S. Army Infantryman who has served in both Iraq and Afghanistan, Jeff Hanks sought medical help at his military base for symptoms of combat stress. He had an appointment at a clinic for mental health services but the Military command wanted to hurry along his redeployment to Afghanistan. We also hear from Sarah Lazare, the reporter who told Jeff Hank’s story on She is part of a support network for soldiers called: The Civilian Soldier Alliance working in collaboration with IVAW, Iraq Veterans against the War. Courage to Resist is also working to help Jeff Hanks and other soldiers like him.
Produced by Dori Smith in Storrs, CT TRT: 29:22 Download at Pacifica’s Audioport here or at and
Contact the group Iraq Veterans Against the War online at or try the GI Rights hotline, their number is 877-447-4487. email them at or find them online at
CLIP: On November 6th Admiral Mullen, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs, told NPR’s Scott Simon that the military doesn’t understand the problem of suicide and not much is known about it. Jeff Hanks calls on the President and the Military to visit clinics where soldiers and veterans are being treated, and simply ask them what they need.
Talk Nation Radio for November 4, 2010 Bill Curry, CT Vote, Craig Holman of Public Citizen on Federal Complaint against Crossroads Plus headline news about CT Governor’s Race, it’s Malloy, AP says at last.. Indy Media in CT calls Governor’s Race, AP misses…
Craig Holman of Public Citizen joins us to discuss the impact of 3.7 to 4 billion in money to candidates in the 2010 Congressional races. Holman just filed a complaint to the Federal Election Commission and IRA, against Crossroads Grassroots Political Strategies. He explains why they are electioneering, and should be classified as such.
First, Democrat Bill Curry, a long time Democratic pundit, he is frequently on NPR in Connecticut as a political commentator and is a former Gubernatorial candidate. Bill Curry is about to release a book on politics.
Headline News Update on CT Gov Race, D. Dan Malloy Foley still sees irregularities he says. Two independent online newspapers, CTNEWSJUNKIE.COM and the, got the CT Governor’s race right. AP ‘uncalled’ the race after first saying Foley had won. They had missed a few ballots, now say they have the New Haven count and it’s the Democrat, Dan Malloy, who is the winner. We updated our headline after the wire service “recalled” it’s election result on Wed. Nov. 3nd.
We spoke with AP's Bill Kole who kindly explained the circumstances under which this race was initially called for Foley. In fact, the CT Governor’s race has also been historic in that a judge held the Bridgeport polls open for an extra two hours after 8:00 PM on Election Day due to a lack of ballots provided to voters. There were also long delays in New Haven, according to the New Haven Independent’s Paul Bass. (Speaking to CT NPR)
Underwriting for the program is provided by Jeremy R., political analysis from outside the standard framework. He is a recipient of the 2010 Project Censored award, and founder of Foreign Policy Journal. His recent stories include a critical analysis of reports of Iran’s aid to Iraqi Militias, plus The Myth of the UN Creation on of Israel”, which has sparked debate over land rights and what the U.N. General Assembly Resolution 181 did and did not do.